Home therapy
For home therapy, we recommend to choose a model from the HOME -4 series. In particular, the models and LX7 and LX9bag are very suitable for medical use at home. The Doctor Life massage systems are characterized by the simple operation and robust design . The home systems are light in weight and fit in your handluggage so you can maintain your therapy during your vacation .
Benefits of daily home therapy
Depending on the choice of the cuffs, IPC – therapy gives:
- Increasing blood flow
- Removal of lymph fluid and formation of new exit roads in obstructions of lymphatic drainage
- Removal of fibrosis
- Improved metabolism / deep abdominal breathing
- Improved bowel movement
- Reduces mental and physical stress
- Endorphin is created ( natural painkillers )
- Reducing symptoms / pain
- Resistance improves
- Improve drainage waste
- Reduction of drug use
- Faster wound healing
- Improved oxygen supply to the brains and bodies
What can you do yourself?
Besides the use of the Doctor Life massage systems you can do a lot yourselve to be healthy, fit and mobile.
For example:
- Healthy diet with lots of fresh produce ( 2 pieces of fruit and 200 grams of vegetables per day)
- Varied and diverse food
- Avoid as much as possible toxins that undermine the immune system , such as nicotine and alcohol
- Avoidance of stress
- Drink enough water
- Get enough sleep
- Move at least 30 minutes per day outdoors (if possible)